▲Editorial board 期刊编委

Jerry Yan
Chair Professor of Energy and Buildings
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
- energy systems, renewable energy, and climate change mitigation

Michael Obersteiner
Director of the Environmental Change Institute University of Oxford, UK
- ecosystems, forestry, and agriculture to economics, finance, and integrated assessment
▲Advisory board 期刊顾问

Christopher Chao, PhD
Vice President, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, China
- Thermal and environmental engineering; bioaerosol dispersion, deposition, and resuspension; solar and waste heat-driven advanced cooling systems; passive radiative cooling; nanofluid and bioinspired heat transfer

Zhao Yang Dong, PhD
Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
Singapore, Singapore
- Power system planning and stability, smart grid/micro-grid, load modeling, renewable energy grid connection, electricity market, smart city planning, and computational methods for energy systems

Michael Goodchild, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- Geographic information systems, science, and technology

Ying Jin, PhD
Professor of Architecture and Urbanism;
Deputy Head of Department for Research;
Director of the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies at Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
- Architecture and urbanism

Markus Kraft, PhD
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology;
Director of CARES Ltd., the Singapore-Cambridge CREATE Research Centre;
Fellow of Churchill College Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
- Data-driven modeling, machine learning and semantic web technologies, and chemical engineering

Ju Li, PhD
Battelle Energy Alliance Professor in Nuclear Engineering;
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Cambridge, MA, USA
- Overcoming timescale challenges in atomistic simulations, energy storage, and conversion

Nicola Ranger, PhD
Leader, Resilience and International Development Programme, and Senior Researcher;
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School;
Executive Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Systemic Resilience, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
- Climate, nature, resilience, adaptation, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs)

Shan-Tung Tu, PhD
Professor of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology; Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Shanghai, China
- Thermal effect on materials structures and processes, creep and fatigue, and energy process intensification

Nan Zhou, PhD
Energy/Environmental Policy Senior Scientist/Engineer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA, USA
- Energy and environmental policy